
【著眼全球,我們不斷進取】—— 朗潤醫療參加菲律賓學術會議

2018-11-05 10:02:32

【著眼全球,我們不斷進取】—— 朗潤醫療參加菲律賓學術會議

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Lonwin Medical attended the 2018 Joint Annual Convention of the Ultrasound Society of the Philippines (USP) and CT-MRI Society of the Philippines (CTMRISP) which is held on October 25 to 27, 2018 at historical landmark Manila Hotel with the theme "Neck and Thoracic Imaging from Diagnosis to Intervention". The two organizations are subspecialty societies of the Philippine College of Radiology(PCR),which is a division of the Philippine Medical Association(PMA).


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The organizers brought together both international and home-grown experts as faculty, prepared a comprehensive academic syllabus and put together technical exhibitions for the three-day convention. Developments and updates regarding neck and thoracic imaging were discussed by speakers, and technology advances and innovations were showcased to enhance the learning of experience of the attendees.


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As a Chinese MR manufacturer, Lonwin Medical demonstrated a new generation of quantitative MR to local medical experts. Focused on excellent performance, SuperVan 1.5T perfectly meets your needs of quantitative study in MRI practice – with new generation of quantitative analysis tools to fulfill precision medicine and latest applications to broaden your clinical scope.


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With more than a decade history in the MRI field, Lonwin provides stable and    satisfactory medical technologies and services that shape a new trend of patient care, also Lonwin is an inheritor of 60 years magnetic resonance technology of Peking University and will always keep the pace with the frontier of new technologies.

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