

2018-10-23 13:59:07


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The 31st Hospital Expo 2018 of Indonesia is an exhibition covering international hospitals, medicine, pharmacy, clinical, laboratory equipment and medicine. The exhibition is held at the Jakarta convention center in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17-20 Oct, 2018.

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 Hospital Expo是印尼地區最專業、最具影響力的醫療行業展會,參展商和專業觀眾質量最高,影響力最大。展會具有31年歷史,是業內供應商及采購商與國際醫療制造企業的專業合作平臺。

Hospital Expo is the most professional and influential medical industry exhibition in Indonesia. The quality and influence of exhibitors and professional visitors are all the highest. With a history of 31 years, the exhibition is a professional cooperation platform between suppliers and purchasers in the industry and international medical manufacturing enterprises

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今年,印尼總統第一次參加hospital expo 開幕式并發表講話!

The President of Indonesia attended the opening ceremony for the first time and delivered a speech!

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As a Chinese MR manufacturer, Lonwin Medical demonstrated a new generation of quantitative MR to visitors, and attracted a large number of buyers, medical professionals to visit and exchange. Lonwin Medical carries out warm communication and negotiation with customers and dealers.

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Focused on excellent performance, SuperVan 1.5T perfectly meets your needs of quantitative study in MRI practice – with new generation of quantitative analysis tools to fulfill precision medicine and latest applications to broaden your clinical scope.

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